Other processing Tasks

Very large or innovatively made components are often post processed by hand or with outdated techniques.
OTEC provides super-efficient, stable yet innovative alternatives to previous techniques such as vibratory solutions, chemical accelerated mass finishing and brushing..

With process speeds up to 17 times shorter than conventional equivalents, OTEC machines rise to many a challenge not only more quickly but also at lower cost, with greater process reliability. What’s more, they do away with expensive, polluting, dangerous acids and materials.

SF Manual series

Stream finishing machines with optional pulse finishing, for manual workpiece loading, suitable for e.g. small batches or non-takt production linesmore

SF Automation Series

Stream finishing machines with optional pulse finishing, for automatic workpiece loading, suitable e.g. for takt production lines. Set up for automatic loading or fitted with it as an integrated option more

Serie CF

Die Tellerfliehkraftmaschinen der Serie CF kommen überall dort zum Einsatz, wo es um perfekte und schnelle Oberflächenbearbeitung von Schüttgutteilen geht. Langjährige Erfahrungen sind in diese Maschinen eingeflossen.

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